wow, the economy must indeed be really churning, as our fearless leader endlessly twits, because under Mr. Orange’s spiritual guidance, it appears that the United States is all jacked up to make a rather bold move into the kidnapping industry. It’s off to a truly impressive start, racking up some excellent stats (2,300 kids!) in no time at all.
of course, this entire ooperation has proceeded with the kind of malevolent incompetence that truly sets the Trump Administration apart, a trait that has quickly become perhaps THE hallmark of Batshit 45.
The result is nothing less than an Abomination. An Abomination with a capital A.
if you don’t like us being political, that’s fine. we understand. do what you must. it’s a free country. but understand this. we come from a background of FM radio that was not afraid of leftist politics. Stations that called out Nixon for the raging jerk that he was. stations like KSAN, KMPX, KOME, KFAT, WBCN, WXRT, WNEW, and all the others. and holy guacamole, President Spanky makes Nixon look like Thomas Effing Jefferson. so we aren’t going to be mute. we aren’t gonna be Swiss. we ain’t neutral. ok? got it?
this evil bullshit would NOT be happening if Hilary Clinton was the president. you know that’s true.
and it’s why we could stand to have a FEMALE president. May it happen in ’20.